Course Description

Course Description

A lot of claimants call me every day asking questions such as: "How do I file for disability?" Or "How do I know I qualify for it?" Or "When should I file?".

While the answer to those questions vary from person to person, there are a few things you should know before you consider your options.

I created this course with the purpose of covering not only those questions but also questions you never even knew you had about filing for disability.

This course will prepare you to not only file your claim but also to take charge of your claim. Even if you decide to hire an attorney (and you should!).

The information you will learn in this course will help you understand the process and avoid serious mistakes before, during and after filing.


  • When, Why, How and Where to file your claim

  • How to know if you qualify to file for disability benefits

  • How to read your medical records to see if these are actually supporting your claim

  • How to organize your medical records for the duration of the claim

  • The ins and outs of actually filing a claim

Your Instructor

Tatiana Froes

My name is Tatiana Froes. I am a Disability Attorney practicing in sunny Arizona. In my spare time, I blog about disability claim tips at Also in my spare time, I am a DIYer, bird rescuer, cat lover, pilot and the owner of another blog called where I show people how to DIY things around the house, decorating on a budget and living sane.My experience talking to potential clients tells me that despite easy access to the internet, disability claimants still don’t understand the process of applying for disability. I want to address that issue and more. I want to make sure that people's cases don't get rejected or denied if they shouldn't be, for reasons that are easy to fix. As a disability attorney, I see that every day: Having to reject cases because claimants were not ready when they filed. I hate saying no to claimants: They already feel stressed out about their condition and when they are trying to get help, they hear: “NO, I’m sorry I can’t help you“.I want you to be ready! Ready to take charge of your claim. Ready to be approved for disability. So let’s get READY!

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Downloadable Course Materials

    • Checklist 5 Day Challenge

    • Bonus Issue Spotter Worksheet

  • 3

    Day 1 of The Challenge

    • Day 1 - Tech Stuff and Other Administrative Information You Need

  • 4

    Day 2 of The Challenge

    • Day 2 - It's All About the Timing of the Filing

  • 5

    Day 3 of The Challenge

    • Day 3 - Introduction to Learning How To Read Your Medical Records

    • Day 3- Medical Records 101

    • Day 3 - Medical Records 102

    • Day 3- Homework

  • 6

    Day 4 of The Challenge

    • Day 4 - Putting it All Together

  • 7

    Day 5 - Filing Day!!!

    • Day 5 - Intro

    • Day 5 - Different Ways to File Your Claim

    • Day 5 - Final Thoughts and Congratulations: You are Ready to File Your Claim!!

    • Day 5 - When to Hire An Attorney To Represent You

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